Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Stopped in My Tracks

When I Saw These Gems

Cam walked in wearing these gems last night. Apparently, she and Lola bought them a few weeks ago. Lola went clothes shopping for these gigs her and the band are doing right now. And she stumbled on these. They are winners. Cam fell in love, and they both left Bakers with a pair.

Are you SERIOUS??? I am in LOVE!!! They come in black and tan. But the tan pair are so much fun. They have all these fun summery colored beads. We don't have a Bakers here, so I checked out their website. Right now, they are on sale for $65. That is kind of pricey and I don't have a clothing budget for work like Lola. She is a performer, I am, well being a stay-at-home-wifey this summer. But a girl can dream, can't she?

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